Arthritis and osteoarthritis – the disease, the percentage of the joint. They are the reason for the pain during the movement, they significantly reduce their quality of life. Arthritis and osteoarthritis is a difference. In order to understand what it is that is different from arthritis of the arthritis, you need to know the general aspects and characteristics, that is leaking, and the risk factors for the occurrence of each disease.

What happens when the arthritis?
When the disease has developed to the inflammatory process that affects the entire body. The reasons for the development of the disease it may be from infection (inflammation), injury (trauma), auto-immune diseases (arthritis).
The arthritis in the body, there are all the signs of inflammation:
- The increase in the temperature of the body, and fever;
- With the increase of the total protein in the blood, and globulin, protein c reactive;
- You can keep track of one another, the inflammatory process, have not been identified previously.
What happens when you win?
Osteoarthritis is a disease that is caused by the deterioration of the fabric of the articular cartilage. The inflammatory process occurs when you do this, it is just in the cavity of the joint, it is a consequence of the deformation of the joint. As a result of the high weight of the connection, due to an advanced age, after the injury, it may happen that the deformation of the bone portions, the friction between the mating surfaces of the joint. The result is a thinning and stretching of the tissue in the articular cartilage.

The disease, in the body there are obvious signs of inflammation:
- The increase in the temperature of the location (in the area of the affected joint);
- Biochemical and blood tests, normal;
- It occurs when the deformation of the cartilage, is not included in most of the inflammation.
The similarities and differences of the disease.
Both of these diseases have both similarities and differences. The main similarity of the rheumatoid and osteoarthritis are the symptoms.
- The Crunch, the squeak when it moves;
- Pain.
- The restriction of mobility.
- The swelling, or redness in the area of the victim's joints.
However, it is the difference between arthritis and osteoarthritis-the essential of the approach.
- Age. Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects people in old age. It is related to the age of the deterioration of the cartilage in the joints. The arthritis-more and more hits on young people, it is the result of a long period of time of the infection, infection, and inflammation in the body.
- The location of the process. The arthritis develops only in the joint under the effect of the risk factors (old age, frequent, over-current, over-weight, and the t.-d.). Arthritis affects the entire body, it can lead to an increase in the internal temperature of the body, and the heat.
- The feeling of pain. When osteoarthritis results in pain in the limbs that occurs when the movement acquires a permanent nature, with the development of the disease. When arthritis occurs in the acute, persistent pain.
- The deformation of the joint. When the osteo -, bone -, and-components of the connection are subject to deformation due to the deterioration of the fabric of the articular cartilage. The arthritis did not cause changes in the articular surfaces of the bones.
- The loss of motor function of the joint. The development of the arthritis is the result of limitations of the movement, gradually. The arthritis restricts the movement in the period of acute illness.
The difference in the causes of arthritis and osteoarthritis, causes joint.
In order to better understand the differences between the two diseases, arthritis and osteoarthritis – it is necessary to understand its causes.
The causes of arthritis and more:
- Infection (viral, bacterial, fungal infection);
- Allergies, auto-immune diseases.
The main background to the development of osteoarthritis:
- The overloading of the joint (type of activity, and being overweight);
- The age and deterioration of the fabric of the articular cartilage.
In addition to this, there are a number of factors that are common to both diseases
- Of the injury;
- In violation of metabolic processes in the body.
- Insufficient entry of vitamins and minerals;
- The defects in the pathology of the bones and cartilage.
The difference between the symptoms of the disease.
The signs of arthritis, and osteoarthritis are different in nature, intensity and time of occurrence.
The symptoms of |
Arthritis |
Osteoarthritis |
1. The increase in the temperature of | The body temperature increased to 38-39C | Perhaps the local increase of the temperature in the region of the affected joint |
2. The swelling | The soft tissues in and around the connection to get sore immediately | The swelling will appear in 3 the early phase of the disease |
3. The stiffness in the morning | It occurs all over the body | It occurs only on the affected connection |
4. The loss of motor function | During the acute phase of the disease | It develops over time, leading to ankylosis (complete lack of movement at the joint) |
5. The change of the shapes of the joint | It does not occur | It happens |
6. The nature of the pain | The intense, constant and becomes more intense during the night | By pulling, boring, is where the movement is, the stronger the that, at the time of the day. |
Due to the similarity of the symptoms, there is a need for a differential diagnosis.
The diagnosis of the disease.
The timely and correct diagnosis will help you to distinguish, as in the arthritis of osteoarthritis, and make sure the treatment is appropriate. The main methods of diagnosis of diseases of the joints remain the same:
- The x-ray;
- Ultrasound scan of the internet connection;
- It is common for the biochemical analysis of blood.
- At arthroscopy.
The disease |
The diagnosis |
The Ultra-sound |
The x-ray |
The analysis of the blood |
Arthroscopy |
Osteoarthritis |
The reduction of the joint for cracks, burrs, tissue, cartilage. In VNUtrisustavnoj the liquid is present in the strange power. | Changes to the anatomical shapes of the joint, and the presence of OSteofits (hard bone), the cartilage tissue is thin, irregular. Within the WMtavna the slot are reduced. | In the absence of signs of inflammation is the main difference of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid. | OSteofits, the deterioration of the fabric of the articular cartilage, a narrowing of the gap between the кOStнsми structures for the connection. |
Arthritis |
Sinovialnye, shell, cartilage, and irregular, the presence of pus an inflammatory process in the joint of a (pus-filled). | Little to osteoporosis, a softening of the bone tissue. | Reactive protein, increase in the level of alpha-and beta-globulins, and the rise of immunoglobulin e in the blood, increased ESR. It increases the level of uric acid and, in some cases, it may happen anemia (decreased hemoglobin level). | The appearance of erosions of the cartilage and the bone, the protrusion of the synovial membrane of the joint cavity. |
The characteristics of the treatment of the rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.
In the treatment of arthritis and osteoarthritis is a bit different, it consists of the following:
- Click to clear the start point of the pain syndrome and inflammation.
- The maintenance of the fabric of the articular cartilage of the connection.
- To restore the motor function of the joint.
- Prevention of recurrence (repetition).
The only difference is that in the treatment of arthritis, it is the allocation of an antibiotic, anti-viral and anti-fungal for the funds, which it is not prescribed for when to read. Doctors often prescribe penicillins, cephalosporins, and aminoglycosides.

In the acute exacerbation of the disease need to be treated in a hospital setting.For the relief of pain and inflammation that are attributed to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, indomethacin). They are assigned to the wing at the base of these drugs (such as FAStmind gel, voltaren, deep relief). In the absence of the results of the treatment of NSAID's that can replace injection of a corticosteroid into a two-connection.
To support the cartilage in the joints, help in preparations of hyaluronic acid, hondroetina – hondroprotektory. They also stop the degradation of the tissues-joint, will launch the process of regeneration. The courses to apply for a duration of 1 to 10 months, depending on the stage of the disease.
In the absence of the results of the conservative treatment, and the treatment can cause the operation of the award. Many times, they go artрOSкопию, in which the cavity of the joint are removed and the exudate of inflammation, the pieces of cartilage, all the blood in the blood. During the last stages of the deformation of the connection, go to the substitution (the replacement of the link between man-made), OStSWtomiu (excision of the deformed bone structures).

In addition to this, doctors prescribe the courses of physical education and health physics.
- Laser-scan, ultra-sound therapy;
- Electrophoresis (ce);
- Massage;
- Baths, therapeutic mud, correct and up to date);
- Reflexology (acupuncture).
Therapeutic exercise carried out in accordance with the therapeutics of the institution, under the supervision of a medical doctor and a physical therapist. It keeps track of the level of stress on the joints by regular exercise.
The prevention of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.
To protect the joints, it can be by following a few simple rules:
- The load on the connection, it should be low-key. Over weight, frequent training with heavy weights creates a hazard to the connection of the parties. In addition, the risk of injury increases many times over.
- The correct, well-balanced diet. A daily ration should contain all the essential vitamins and minerals. When there is a food you should be taking nutritional supplements, vitamins, and minerals.
- The women's is worth to abandon the use of frequent, long-term use of high heeled shoes. Every inch of the heel increases the load on the lumbar spine, a 10 kg, and the knee 20.
- Do not leave any parts of the aircraft. Arthritis, unlike the osteoarthritis that occurs as a result of the infection, the low temperature contributed to its distribution in the body.
Arthritis and osteoarthritis can be a serious problem in the life of an active person, regardless of age. The pain and stiffness in the limbs greatly reduce the quality of life, and they are the cause of the loss of the integrity of the disability. It is important for you to understand what is the difference between the diseases, it's time to see a specialist, they will perform a differential diagnosis to say that a cure for arthritis, and osteoarthritis.